Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sweet Potato

With Little B's couch potato days behind her, we moved to the sweet type of potato. Monday brought Bronwyn's first time in the high chair and eating 'solid' food.

She took to both rather well, as evidenced by the epicurean mess on her mouth (uh, and her shirt, her hands, her arms, the highchair, the tray, the floor, and mama and dada...).

Wow! Breastfeeding seems so much simpler we might forgo solid food all together.

Pickle also spent some time in her high chair to watch mama make Sweet Potato Muffins. I recommend the recipe for both savory and sweet muffins. I cooked the potatoes beforehand, not realizing that the recipe meant for them to be raw. I also substituted half the canola oil with coconut oil. Next time I will definitely try raw shredded potato and add more raisins, maybe even rum-soaked raisins.

They turned out so moist and yummy. I noticed that a few reviewers were pleased that it got their kids to eat sweet potatoes. I guess they've never tried the marshmallow thanksgiving dish. That is the best way I've gotten my big boy (a.k.a. my husband) to eat sweet potatoes.

1 comment:

Renata said...

yummy in my tummy!

she is so adorable, you got some great pictures there :)

Those muffins look amazing...