Monday, April 20, 2009

Almond Coconut Rice Pudding (vegan)

So, I am on my third attempt to figure out what Ms. Bronwyn is allergic to. The first time, I was on a highly modified diet for 4 weeks, and the green poop/red butt never got better. I then tried it again for a week, not eating any dairy or wheat, and stopped because her symptoms got worse. I've now been off wheat and gluten for a week and a half. Still, nothing is getting better. A couple times I got excited since her butt wasn't red, but then it would come back. Just yesterday she had a fairly red-free butt, and then the green stools increased throughout the day. And today the red bum arrives.

Despite Bronwyn's obviously well-nourished body, this process has been very disheartening, particularly to see her red bum. If you have any ideas or know of any mom who has gone through this, please, please, please forward me their contact information.

On the up side, the changes in my diet have gotten me to be awfully creative with my cooking. I whipped up some rice pudding that is heavenly, and thought I would share.

Almond Coconut Rice Pudding

3/4 C rice (I like jasmine)
1 1/1/2 C water (if you want more nutty or coconut flavor use almond or coconut milk)
1/4 tsp. salt

Let all ingredients above come to a boil, then simmer for 10-15 minutes, until all water is absorbed. Then add,

2 C almond milk
2 C coconut milk (I used 1 C full fat, 1 C low fat)
1/3 to 1/2 C sugar
1/2 to 1 C finely shredded coconut

Cook over medium-low heat until thicker, but still soupy (about 30 minutes).

Let cool for about 5-10 minutes then add 1 tsp. vanilla

Eat warm for maximum flavor enjoyment.

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